Christian Actor Mac McConnell presents  One-Man Biblical Dramas 

One Way Productions, (DBA is dedicated to spreading THE Good News dramatically through one-man biblical dramas. We believe that Jesus is the Christ, the only way of salvation, son of the Living God, born of the Virgin Mary, lived a perfect and pure life, was unjustly accused, sentenced to death by crucifixion and died on the cross. But on the third day He was raised from the dead leaving an empty grave showing His eternal power over death, sin, satan and hell itself.

***As of Jan 1st, 2014 BibleActor.comis now operating as faith based ministry, offering some performances on an "As the Lord leads basis" plus expense where necessary. 
*(Except for Christmas and Easter seasons)
Acts 3:6 - "Simon Peter said, "Silver or gold I have none, but what I do have I freely give."

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