Award winning Christian Author Mac McConnell presents Bible story novels.
All novels sold out / out of print - sorry no plans to reprint at this time
Footsteps of St. Peter, The Gospel Years for 2011

Footsteps of St. Peter, Book II
A Judean Chronicle, The Gospel Years
160 pages 5.5 x 8.5
ISBN 9781936459049
Excerpt: click here. Release date, Nov. 10th, 2011


Book I of The Judean Chronicles -
Won the Silver - BOTYA 2010 Footsteps of St. Peter, Book I A Judean Chronicle, the Early Years
144 pages 5.5 x 8.5
ISBN 9780980045154
Excerpt: click here. Release date, Oct. 15, 2010

Finalist - BOTYA 2009
Cradle to Cross
The audiences just kept asking for something to take away after one of the drama presentations. Although some Christian actors would disagree, I think drama videos are lousy at best, so I was urged to expand the stories into novellas. I thought it was worth a shot and now my third book is out with who knows how many to come. Many tell me they make great gifts to fam and friends, perhaps especially to someone who's not interested in church or preachers or those turn-or-burn track thingies, much lest a BIBLE. Truth is these little novels won't sound a bit like scripture. They will sound like a personal memoir with an eyewitness story to some pretty amazing history. Yes, I admit, I'm proud of these books, and would be proud to hear your comments and to post your reviews. Here's what Today's Christian Magazine - The Miami Herald and The Sun-Sentinel and the Dove Awards had to say about my dramas turned into historical novellas.
Forever Changed, A Journey in Jericho. Finalist - BOTYA 2008
128 pages
5.25 x 7.25 Hard Cover
ISBN 9780980045116 
Retail 12.95
Click for Excerpt
Every wonder why in the world would a nice Jewish boy grow up to be a despised tax collector in Jericho? Then, it becomes curious why Zacchaeus would go out on a limb to meet this, latest in a long line of would-be messiahs. There is more to Zack's story than a few verses in the Gospel of Luke, just like there is more to your story too. Zack's journey reveals some wonderful Jewish history and a very personal encounter with Yeshua.
Cambiado Por Siempre
Forever Changed, the award winning story of why a
nice Jewish boy would grow up to be a despised tax
collector and then go out on a limb to see Jesus
is now available in Spanish.
by Mac McConnell
on sale at _________________________________________________________________________________
Bozra, A Journey to Jerusalem - Dove and Mom's Choice Awards
128 pages
5.25 x 7.25 Hard Cover
ISBN 97809800109
Retail 12.95
Click for excerpt
(Click cover for Hi rez image)
There was a shepherd boy, asleep on the job and he missed a big one. Angels. Angels came to announce the birth of the Messiah in Bethlehem. Bozra begs off going to see for himself, and hopes to prove himself a worthy shepherd. When he hears of angles, he begins to wonder, "what have I done?" This haunts him as he misses chance after chance, but along the way he meets the royalty who came to see too. He barley escapes the slaughter in Bethlehem and wonders if he will every meet Yeshua. He never quits seeking and finally one day, some thirty years later, in the Holy City...but you will have to read the story now won't you?
Hadad, A Journey in Bethlehem
128 pages 5.25 x 7.25 Hard Cover
ISBN 97809800123
Retail 12.95
Click for excerpt
He's know as the innkeeper but prefers to the barkeep. Although Hadad is thrilled with a packed inn and thirsty customers he is not the lest bit interested in a knock on the door past closing. He knew it was a mistake to open the door. A dusty traveler, a droopy donkey and a very pregnant woman. "Follow me," he moans and leads out back to the barn. "A stinking stable, this must be a joke." Joseph protest. "Anyplace, Joseph, anyplace." Mary managed to say. The crusty barkeep bids goodnight, but begins to cherish this little boy and industrious family. Hadad fears the worst when soldiers massacre the baby boys. When rumors fly Hadad wonders if any of it matters at all. Will he seek the truth? Will you?

Joseph, A Journey from Nazareth -
Finalist BOTYA 2009 128 pages 5.25 x 7.25 Hard Cover
ISBN 9780980045130

Oct. 15 2009
Retail 12.95
Order Click for Excerpt Suspense, murder, romance and more from the tale of an unexpected father, to say the least.
Joseph, the Father’s Journey completes Bible actor Mac McConnell’s Cradle to Cross trilogy, joining Hadad and Bozra.
Betrothed and yet betrayed. “Joseph, I’m pregnant and the child is not yours.” The words that ring in his ears all his waking hours. So what does he say? “Where I come from this stinks worse than pigs. In fact where I come from I have the right, every right to drag her before the council and recommend she be stoned - to death.” But, who am I fooling? I love her, I would never…, but soon everyone will know. She’s showing already. Rumors will be all over town. I will be the laughing stock. First she says
yes, then she leaves for three months, and now I’m supposed to believe the wildest story of all.”

The Judean Chronciles
Footsteps of St. Peter Book 1, the Early Years (St. Peter Trilogy)
144 pages 5.5 x 8.5 Hard Cover
ISBN 9780980045154
Oct. 15, 2010
Retail 12.95
Click for Excerpt Book 1 of Footsteps of St. Peter Trilogy dives deep into the early years of Simon. His boyhood - his family - his hometown - his adoration of his father - his love of the sea and of fishing - and his disdain of all things religious. Simon develops a deep loyalty to family and a passion for excellence in all that he does, but he blames God for an unexplained tragedy and refuses to listen to his little brother's pleading to meet the new teacher in town...until...

Book II (2011) and Book III (TBA) of The Judean
Chronicles will cover the Gospel years and the
last years of Simon - St. Peter from a personal