Award winning Christian Actor Mac McConnell presents Bible Story Dramas for Church Outreach and Evangelism
Mac McConnell and One Way Drama offers one-man Biblical dramas from 25 to 75 minutes in length. You may see Mac anywhere from 3,000 seat auditoriums to local prisons or youth camps or dinner theaters or woman's groups or even on tour in Greece, Jerusalem, Turkey or Rome impersonating Simon Peter, St. Paul or Zacchaeus to name a few. Sign up for E-News
***As of Jan 1st, 2014 BibleActor.comis now operating as faith based ministry, offering some performances on an "As the Lord leads basis" plus expense where necessary.
*(Except for Christmas and Easter seasons)
Acts 3:6 - "Simon Peter said, "Silver or gold I have none, but what I do have I freely give."

See Overview for more information on the ministry

Set and props from minimal to as much as you care to provide. Includes custom sound efx.
Forever Changed, Zacchaeus like you've never seen him.
Most requested - great pulpit filler and "bring-a-friend day."
35 minutes - Costume
Very minimum set.
Forever Changed answers the important question, "what would make a crusty tax collector go out on a limb to meet the latest in a long line of would be messiahs?" This may seem like a fractured Bible story while it mixes outrageous humor, engages the audience, but presents undeniable evidence of a changed life. This play is the most requested and fits perfectly in your morning worship service. It is a favorite for bring-a-friend day, summer camps and prison ministries, (no connection intended).
The Gospel According to Simon Peter (GASP)
60 - 90 minutes
Minimum set required from host
Includes custom sound efx.
The Gospel According to Simon Peter (AKA What About You?) was the first drama I wrote and performed in 1990. Dubbed a one-man passion play by theater critic for the Miami Herald. Peter was instantly my alter ego - we both have foot-in-mouth disease. The drama begins at the Sea of Galilee with a net full of fish and ends right back there with the same results. In between there are highlights to the three year ministry of Jesus in Act I and then Passion week in Act II. There are opportunities for local "Disciples" to participate in the feeding of the five thousand and the Lord's Supper. With many costume additions and a miracle or two along the way, GASP is robust, challenging, and favorite for feature a presentation.
45 minutes
Full costume
Set required from host (easy to provide from your fellowship)
Joseph, The Unexpected Father
25 minutes
Full Costume
No set required, or as much as you want.
oe was a man's man faced with the worst circumstance, "I'm pregnant, and the baby is not yours." It took an angel from God to keep Joe from turning in his Mary and abandoning any idea of going ahead with the marriage. It was probably a quiet wedding, but his life was far from uneventful from there on out. This is a great story for a men's conference or Christmas presentation. Joseph can easily be complimented with with music, lends itself nicely to "Mary did you know," and Joseph's song by Michael Card. As Joe, I'm in contemporary carpenter garb and typically pop up from the audience for a little suprise beginning.